Over the last couple of month, I have been working part-time on a new project: Kogics. The basic idea behind Kogics is to provide educational games and tools for kids. Even in this early stage of its life, Kogics has started to be pretty useful. I am using it to help my seven year old daughter practice her arithmetic skills. I have also been using it in evening computer-fun sessions with kids in my neighborhood in Dehradun, India. And Kogics is being used at a couple of schools in India as part of the Samvedna project.
The games on the Kogics website are written in Scala, and are deployed as applets. Yes - you heard that right: they're deployed as applets! I last wrote an applet sometime in 1996, in the early days of Java. And I have never really done anything much with Swing. But I must say that Swing programming has turned out to be surprisingly pain-free, especially with Scala adding a nice fun (and power) factor to the mix. The Java runtime, as of JRE1.6u10 onwards, has (so far) turned out to be a pretty good way to deploy rich content on the web, despite the bad rap that it has in this area. Proguard is the magic sauce that makes all of this work in an efficient fashion, with applet sizes in the 20-30k range.
To see what I have been upto, check out the following:
The Addition Game
The Subtraction Game
Feedback is welcome (especially if you have kids).
And did I mention - I'm hosting parts of Kogics on the Google App Engine (the rest of Kogics runs on Wikidot). This has made me go off and start learning Python - which is currently the only language supported by the App Engine. It's been good fun so far. More on this in future posts...
I am planning to put in a lot more interactive stuff on the Kogics website in the coming weeks and months. As my proficiency with 2D graphics, UI development, and game-programming (goes up from zero and) increases, I'm hoping to create some pretty interesting and useful games and tools. Stay tuned!
Lalit's technical blog; thoughts and ideas on the structure and flow of computer programs, and related matters.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Scala Implicits: a dose of Magic | Part 2
In my previous post, I introduced implicits, mentioned some of the ways in which they can be used, and talked about one of their primary uses: view conversion.
Maybe you came away from that post thinking: 'hey, this looks pretty interesting, but this is too close to magic for my liking. I want to be able to write code that is understandable and maintainable, and all this under-the-covers stuff done by the compiler makes me uncomfortable'.
Well - fear not. Scala makes use of a bunch of safeguards to tame the magic of implicits. These are listed in the next section.
Rules/Safeguards for the application of Implicits
I will just mention the safeguards here; a detailed description of these rules is provided in the Programming in Scala book.
So - you have written your code with a tasteful smattering of implicits; but it does not quite do what you think it should do. Is there a way for you to figure out what's going on under the covers?
Yes. If you run scalac -Xprint:typer on your code, you will get to see exactly what's going on with implicit conversions. Let me demonstrate this with an example from my previous post. Back there, we looked at a method to find the max element in a collection:
As an aside: it's pretty simple to run scalac -Xprint:typer from within Eclipse by using an 'External Tool'. This works well if you do not need to specify a classpath for scalac. If you do need to specify a classpath, things get a little tricky. I have not found anything obvious that will allow me to run an external tool with the classpath of the current Eclipse project. To do this, I make use of a little utility class that I have written; this class is available in the scrisca code repo. A screenshot of how this is used is shown below:
Let's talk next about the origins of implicits...
Implicits have their origin in Haskell type classes. I have only recently started learning Haskell, so I'm going to tread into relatively unknown territory here. But I think a comparison of implicits to type classes is instructive - so I am going to just forge on ahead and try to talk about this as well as I can.
Type classes were added to Haskell to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad-hoc. Take operator overloading for example. With operator overloading, there are multiple versions of a function for different types, and the compiler inserts a call to the correct one based on the actual arguments to the function. As opposed to this, a generic (or parametrically polymorphic) function has just one implementation that works across a family of types.
Type classes within Haskell are a mechanism to tame ad-hoc polymorphism, bring it into the type system of the language, and to enable the writing of generic code based on the additional information provided by type classes in situations which would otherwise have required ad-hoc overloading. Let us look at an example:
The same thing in Scala looks like this:
So how does Haskell implement type classes? Haskell translates the following code:
In Poor Man's Type Classes, Martin Odersky outlines the mapping of Haskell type classes to Scala:
*: stuff in brackets added by me to provide additional information
Applicability to Scala
I think it is valid to ask: Scala already has a concept of traits, and an implicit this parameter/dictionary is already passed around for every (non-static) method invocation. Do we really need implicit parameters to mimic the type class context in the type of a Haskell method? Can't generic methods in Scala just make use of an upper bound on a type parameter to achieve similar functionality?
In my mind, the answer is very definitely: yes we need implicits. Implicits provide substantial additional value, over and above the OO facilites already present in Scala. My previous post talked about how implicits bring the Is-viewable-as-a relationship between objects to the table, and why this is important. This time around, let me just list some additional scenarios/problems for which the type-class/implicits approach provides good solutions:
Other uses of implicits
These are based on sightings in the wild:
Over the course of this (and the previous) post, I hope that I have been able to show you that:
Have fun with Implicits! And use them (wisely) to write better code...
Relevant Reads
Programming in Scala; the chapter on Implicits
Poor Man's Type Classes
How to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc
Software Extension and Integration with Type Classes
Maybe you came away from that post thinking: 'hey, this looks pretty interesting, but this is too close to magic for my liking. I want to be able to write code that is understandable and maintainable, and all this under-the-covers stuff done by the compiler makes me uncomfortable'.
Well - fear not. Scala makes use of a bunch of safeguards to tame the magic of implicits. These are listed in the next section.
Rules/Safeguards for the application of Implicits
I will just mention the safeguards here; a detailed description of these rules is provided in the Programming in Scala book.
- Marking Rule: only definitions marked implicit are available for implicit conversion and parameter passing.
- Scope Rule: an implicit conversion/parameter must be in scope as a single identifier, or it must be available within the companion object of a source or target type for a conversion.
- Non ambiguity rule: an implicit conversion is used only if there is no other possible conversion available to be used.
- One at a time Rule: only one implicit is ever tried in an expression.
- Explicits first rule: implicits are tried only if there is a type error with the existing code.
So - you have written your code with a tasteful smattering of implicits; but it does not quite do what you think it should do. Is there a way for you to figure out what's going on under the covers?
Yes. If you run scalac -Xprint:typer on your code, you will get to see exactly what's going on with implicit conversions. Let me demonstrate this with an example from my previous post. Back there, we looked at a method to find the max element in a collection:
/*And the code to test it:
* A module that provides aggregate operations on collections
object AggregateIterableOps {
def max[A <% Ordered[A]](iterable: RichIterableOps[A]): A = {
iterable.reduceLeft((x, y) => if (x > y) x else y)
@TestI spent a lot of words in the previous post trying to explain exactly what was happening under the covers with implicits in this example. This time around, let me just show you the output from scalac -Xprint:typer for the two code fragments:
def testMaxForSet = {
plainSet.add(18); plainSet.add(17); plainSet.add(16)
assertEquals(18, AggregateIterableOps.max(plainSet))
final object AggregateIterableOps extends java.lang.Object with ScalaObject {And:
def this(): object implicits.AggregateIterableOps = {
def max[A >: Nothing <: Any](iterable: RichIterableOps[A])(implici
t view$1: (A) => Ordered[A]): A = iterable.reduceLeft[A](((x: A, y: A) => if (vi
@org.junit.Test def testMaxForSet: Unit = {
org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(18, AggregateIterableOps.max[Int](this.RichCollections.toRichHashSet[Int](TestImplicitHashSet.this.plainSet))({
((eta$0$3: Int) => scala.this.Predef.intWrapper(eta$0$3))
As an aside: it's pretty simple to run scalac -Xprint:typer from within Eclipse by using an 'External Tool'. This works well if you do not need to specify a classpath for scalac. If you do need to specify a classpath, things get a little tricky. I have not found anything obvious that will allow me to run an external tool with the classpath of the current Eclipse project. To do this, I make use of a little utility class that I have written; this class is available in the scrisca code repo. A screenshot of how this is used is shown below:
Let's talk next about the origins of implicits...
Implicits have their origin in Haskell type classes. I have only recently started learning Haskell, so I'm going to tread into relatively unknown territory here. But I think a comparison of implicits to type classes is instructive - so I am going to just forge on ahead and try to talk about this as well as I can.
Type classes were added to Haskell to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad-hoc. Take operator overloading for example. With operator overloading, there are multiple versions of a function for different types, and the compiler inserts a call to the correct one based on the actual arguments to the function. As opposed to this, a generic (or parametrically polymorphic) function has just one implementation that works across a family of types.
Type classes within Haskell are a mechanism to tame ad-hoc polymorphism, bring it into the type system of the language, and to enable the writing of generic code based on the additional information provided by type classes in situations which would otherwise have required ad-hoc overloading. Let us look at an example:
class MyEq a whereIn the code fragment above, MyEq is a type class that defines the eql and neql operations. Int and Char are made instances of this class. Finally, member is a generic function that can work with lists of both Ints and Chars.
eql, neql :: a -> a -> Bool
neql x y = not (eql x y)
instance MyEq Int where
eql x y = x == y -- cheat and just use the (==) from the Eq type class
instance MyEq Char where
eql x y = x == y -- cheat and just use the (==) from the Eq type class
member :: MyEq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
member x [] = False
member x (y:ys) | x `eql` y = True
| otherwise = member x ys
The same thing in Scala looks like this:
trait MyEq[a] {
def eql(other: a): Boolean
def neql(other: a): Boolean = !eql(other)
object MyEq {
implicit def fromInt(n: Int): MyEq[Int] = new MyEq[Int] {
def eql(other: Int): Boolean = n == other
implicit def fromChar(c: Char): MyEq[Char] = new MyEq[Char] {
def eql(other: Char): Boolean = c == other
object MyEqFuncs {
def member[A <% MyEq[A]](a: A, as: List[A]): Boolean = as match {
case Nil => false
case (x::xs) => if (a.eql(x)) true else member(a, xs)
So how does Haskell implement type classes? Haskell translates the following code:
class MyEq a whereInto:
eql, neql :: a -> a -> Bool
neql x y = not (eql x y)
instance MyEq Int where
eql x y = x == y
member :: MyEq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
member x [] = False
member x (y:ys) | x `eql` y = True
| otherwise = member x ys
data MyEqDict a = MkMyEqDict (a->a->Bool) (a->a->Bool)So basically, a type class is implemented via an implicit parameter, a dictionary of methods, which is passed to generic methods that work with the type class. The generic methods make use of the dictionary to work with their parameters as needed.
eql (MkMyEqDict e _) = e
nel (MkMyEqDict _ n) = n
dEqInt :: MyEqDict Int
dEqInt = MkMyEqDict (==) (\x y -> not (x == y))
member :: MyEqDict a -> a -> [a] -> Bool
member d x [] = False
member d x (y:ys) | eql d x y = True
| otherwise = member d x ys
In Poor Man's Type Classes, Martin Odersky outlines the mapping of Haskell type classes to Scala:
type class = (trait/)*class
instance declaration = implicit definition
context in a class = (trait) inheritance
context in a type = implicit parameter (or view bound)
dictionary = object (the target of a view conversion)
default method in (trait/)class = concrete member
method signature in (trait/)class = abstract member
instance declaration = implicit definition
context in a class = (trait) inheritance
context in a type = implicit parameter (or view bound)
dictionary = object (the target of a view conversion)
default method in (trait/)class = concrete member
method signature in (trait/)class = abstract member
*: stuff in brackets added by me to provide additional information
Applicability to Scala
I think it is valid to ask: Scala already has a concept of traits, and an implicit this parameter/dictionary is already passed around for every (non-static) method invocation. Do we really need implicit parameters to mimic the type class context in the type of a Haskell method? Can't generic methods in Scala just make use of an upper bound on a type parameter to achieve similar functionality?
In my mind, the answer is very definitely: yes we need implicits. Implicits provide substantial additional value, over and above the OO facilites already present in Scala. My previous post talked about how implicits bring the Is-viewable-as-a relationship between objects to the table, and why this is important. This time around, let me just list some additional scenarios/problems for which the type-class/implicits approach provides good solutions:
- Object Adapters
- The problem of the tyranny of the dominant decomposition
- The expression problem
- Multiple dispatch
- Family polymorphism
- Framework integration
Other uses of implicits
These are based on sightings in the wild:
- Metaprogramming: http://michid.wordpress.com/code/meta-programming-with-scala-part-i-addition/ and http://matt.immute.net/content/scala-vs-skalleh
- Elegant use of Conversions to an expected type. Notice how an action listener is added to a Swing button: http://blog.tmorris.net/java-interop-errata/
- Method forwarding (when using Composition) without the pain: http://gertvanthienen.blogspot.com/2008/04/unwrapping-wrapper.html
- Default Arguments, kinda, sorta: http://cime.net/~ricky/tmp/Actor.scala
- Writing generic, Haskell style, code: http://www.scala-lang.org/node/114
Over the course of this (and the previous) post, I hope that I have been able to show you that:
- Implicits are an extremely powerful feature of Scala.
- Scala gives you good tools to control and diagnose the use of implements.
Have fun with Implicits! And use them (wisely) to write better code...
Relevant Reads
Programming in Scala; the chapter on Implicits
Poor Man's Type Classes
How to make ad-hoc polymorphism less ad hoc
Software Extension and Integration with Type Classes
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Scala Implicits: a dose of Magic | Part 1
Implicits are an extremely powerful feature of Scala. In terms of mechanics, they are based on the following:
In this post, I am going to talk about view conversions, which are a major use of implicits.
The next post will look at some of the other uses of implicits, safeguards within the Scala language to control the complexity of implicits, the relationship of implicits to Haskell type classes, and techniques for debugging implicits.
View Conversions
In this mode of operation, the use of implicits is based on the following idea:
- Implicit definitions: these are method, val, or object definitions marked with the implict keyword.
- Implicit conversions (also called view conversions in this post): these can be further divided into:
- Conversions of a method call receiver: for this type of conversion, if a non-existent method m1 is called on an object of type X, the compiler makes an attempt to convert this source object to a target object of a type Y that contains m1. For this to succeed, a unique implicit method of type (X => Y) should be in scope at the point of call.
- Conversions to an expected type: for this type of conversion, if a method m2 takes a parameter type Y, and it is called with a parameter x of type X, the compiler makes an attempt to convert x to a target object of type Y, which is then passed along to m2. Again, for this to succeed, a unique implicit method of type (X => Y) should be in scope at the point of call.
- Implicit parameters: with this feature, a method definition can be marked as expecting implicit parameters; if these parameters are not supplied at the point of call of the method, the compiler supplies these parameters. For this to succeed, unique implicit methods, vals, or objects of the correct type should be in scope at the point of call.
- View conversions. These can be used for:
- Designing loosely coupled and highly cohesive software.
- Extending existing classes in a loosely coupled fashion. This is similar in spirit to what open classes accomplish in Ruby.
- Creating embedded DSLs.
- Implementing view bounds based on implicit parameters, to provide information about a type in a generic (i.e. parameterically polymorphic) method.
- Capability to write generic code.
- Capability to do type based meta-programming.
- Default method parameters.
In this post, I am going to talk about view conversions, which are a major use of implicits.
The next post will look at some of the other uses of implicits, safeguards within the Scala language to control the complexity of implicits, the relationship of implicits to Haskell type classes, and techniques for debugging implicits.
View Conversions
In this mode of operation, the use of implicits is based on the following idea:
It should be possible to view an object of a certain type as an object of another type - via a view conversion.
This is a very powerful idea. Traditionally, Object Orientation has been based on two major types of relationships between objects: Is-a and Has-a. Implicits bring another kind of relationship, with accompanying language-level support, to the table: Is-viewable-as-a.
Why is this important? Because it allows a class to focus on doing one thing well, without trying to cater to every possible scenario in which it might be used. So classes can stay tight and cohesive. But it's still possible to extend a class in different directions, and thus cater to different and unrelated usage scenarios, by defining traits that capture usage patterns in these scenarios, and then defining view conversions from the class to these traits.
To provide a different perspective on this...
Here's a link that argues in favor of big interfaces:
And here's a link that argues in favor of minimal interfaces:
Implicits allow us to balance these two forces. Core interfaces/classes can be minimal. Rich/Humane interfaces can be provided over these core classes via view conversions.
This is a good way to structure and develop new code that we write, because it encourages high cohesion and low coupling. This is also a very useful and powerful technique for extending existing third-party classes. In this scenario, we can add functionality to existing classes (for which we do not control the source code) by defining view conversions to rich wrappers that provide the desired functionality.
Why is this important? Because it allows a class to focus on doing one thing well, without trying to cater to every possible scenario in which it might be used. So classes can stay tight and cohesive. But it's still possible to extend a class in different directions, and thus cater to different and unrelated usage scenarios, by defining traits that capture usage patterns in these scenarios, and then defining view conversions from the class to these traits.
To provide a different perspective on this...
Here's a link that argues in favor of big interfaces:
And here's a link that argues in favor of minimal interfaces:
Implicits allow us to balance these two forces. Core interfaces/classes can be minimal. Rich/Humane interfaces can be provided over these core classes via view conversions.
This is a good way to structure and develop new code that we write, because it encourages high cohesion and low coupling. This is also a very useful and powerful technique for extending existing third-party classes. In this scenario, we can add functionality to existing classes (for which we do not control the source code) by defining view conversions to rich wrappers that provide the desired functionality.
This also plays nicely with the Open closed principle: we just define a new view conversion, and existing code picks up this new functionality without any modifications at all.
Using trait based mixin-composition
At this point, you might well ask: why can't I just use trait based mixin-composition instead of implicits?
In other words, if you have:
Enriching HashSets
This section will show the following:
I'll focus on enriching HashSets to begin with. Here's some code that defines a couple of traits that contain the rich operations that we want:
I think it's worthwhile to take a moment here to think about what we just saw. the tests are doing the following noteworthy things:
Let's now say that we want to be able to find the biggest element in a Set. Here's code that does this:
And here's a test for max:
And here's the code fragement that makes use of a view bound (and conversion) based on an implicit parameter:
The traits and implicits that I wrote have no dependence on HashSets, so I should be able to use the same code to enrich ArrayLists. Let me make sure that this works as expected.
Here are the tests that capture the required behavior:
* A module that provides implicits for Rich Collection view conversions
object RichCollections {
// snip
implicit def toRichArrayList[A](list: ArrayList[A]) = new RichArrayListWrapper(list)
I'm all set to run the tests now:
Till the next one...
That's it for today. This post introduced implicits, talked about the design space in which they play, and described the primary scenario in which they are meant to be used: view conversions. In the next post, I will talk about the remaining uses of implicits. I will also talk about the safeguards within the Scala language to control the complexity of implicits, the relationship of implicits to Haskell type classes, and techniques for debugging implicits.
Relevant Reads:
Programming in Scala; the chapter on Implicits
The Power of Type-classes with Scala implicit defs
Humane Interfaces
Minimal Interfaces
Program to an interface, not an implementation
The Open-closed principle
Using trait based mixin-composition
At this point, you might well ask: why can't I just use trait based mixin-composition instead of implicits?
In other words, if you have:
class XWhy shouldn't you use:
trait RichX
class MyRichX extends X with RichXto get the combined functionality of X and RichX? Why should you instead think of using a view conversion via:
implicit def toRichX(x: X): RichXThis is a good question. In my mind, the following thoughts are applicable here:
- It is a good practice to program to an interface, not an implementation. So if you have a family of classes that you access via an interface, prefer view conversions to roll in rich functionality. If you use trait based mixin-composition, your code will need to refer to the new mixed in class, as opposed to an abstract interface, to get access to the new functionality. If, on the other hand, you have a class that you are using directly in your code (because it is not part of a family hidden behind an interface), using mixin-composition is just fine.
- If you want to extend a final third-party class, mixin-composition will not work (because it requires subclassing). You will need to use view conversions in this scenario.
Enriching HashSets
This section will show the following:
- Conversions of a method call receiver.
- Conversions to an expected type.
- View bounds (and conversions) based on implicit parameters.
I'll focus on enriching HashSets to begin with. Here's some code that defines a couple of traits that contain the rich operations that we want:
/*The goal is to still be able to successfully run the tests (shown below) from the previous post, with the difference that instead of creating a RichHashSet as the class-under-test, I am now creating a plain old HashSet:
* A trait that provides rich operations to Iterables/Collections
trait RichIterableOps[A] {
// required method for collections mixing in this trait
def iterator: Iterator[A]
def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit = foreachWithIter(f)(iterator)
def foreachWithIter(f: A => Unit)(iter: Iterator[A]): Unit = {
while (iter.hasNext) f(iter.next)
def foldLeft[B](seed: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B = foldLeftWithIter(seed)(f)(iterator)
def foldLeftWithIter[B](seed: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(iter: Iterator[A]): B = {
var result = seed
foreachWithIter(e => result = f(result, e))(iter)
def reduceLeft[B >: A](f: (B, A) => B): B = {
val iter = iterator
if (!iter.hasNext) throw new RuntimeException("reduceLeft not valid on Empty container")
* a builder for containers of type C with element A
trait Builder[C[_], A] {
def add(el: A): Boolean
def build(): C[A]
def using(op: Builder[C, A] => Unit): C[A] = {
op(this); build()
* A trait that provides rich operations that transform collections
trait RichIterableXforms[A, Iterable[_]] extends RichIterableOps[A] {
def builder[T]: Builder[Iterable, T]
def map[B](f: A => B): Iterable[B] = builder.using { b =>
foreach(e => b.add(f(e)))
class TestImplicitHashSet {As expected, this does not even compile to begin with:
// val richSet = new RichHashSet[Int]
val plainSet = new HashSet[Int]
def setupSet: Unit = {
plainSet.add(1); plainSet.add(2); plainSet.add(3)
def testFoldForSet = {
assertEquals(6, plainSet.foldLeft(0)((x,y) => x+y))
def testOriginalCollectionOpForSet = {
assertTrue(plainSet.map(e => 2*e).contains(4))
def testChainedRichOpForSet = {
assertTrue(plainSet.map(e => 2*e).map(e => 2*e).contains(8))
def testEqualityForSet = {
val expected = new HashSet[Int]
expected.add(2); expected.add(4); expected.add(6)
assertEquals(expected, plainSet.map(e => 2*e))
[WARNING] TestImplicitHashSet.scala:20: error: value foldLeft is not a member of java.util.HashSet[Int]What I need for this to work is an implicit method that will convert from a HashSet to a target class that contains these missing rich methods. So the first order of business is to create this target class:
[WARNING] assertEquals(6, plainSet.foldLeft(0)((x,y) => x+y))
[WARNING] TestImplicitHashSet.scala:25: error: value map is not a member of java.util.HashSet[Int]
[WARNING] assertTrue(plainSet.map(e => 2*e).contains(4))
[WARNING] TestImplicitHashSet.scala:30: error: value map is not a member of java.util.HashSet[Int]
[WARNING] assertTrue(plainSet.map(e => 2*e).map(e => 2*e).contains(8))
[WARNING] TestImplicitHashSet.scala:37: error: value map is not a member of java.util.HashSet[Int]
[WARNING] assertEquals(expected, plainSet.map(e => 2*e))
[WARNING] four errors found
/**Some things to note in the above code fragment are:
* Rich wrapper for HashSets
class RichHashSetWrapper[A](wrapped: HashSet[A]) extends RichIterableXforms[A, HashSet] {
def iterator = wrapped.iterator
def add(a: A) = wrapped.add(a)
def builder[T] = new HashSet[T] with Builder[HashSet, T] {def build() = this}
- RichHashSetWrapper sits over a HashSet
- RichHashSetWrapper extends RichIterableXforms, but not HashSet. So there is no relationship between the source and target types of the intended view conversion
- RichHashSetWrapper implements the required methods for RichIterableXforms (iterator and add) by forwarding to the wrapped set.
/*Let's try things out now:
* A module that provides implicits for Rich Collection view conversions
object RichCollections {
implicit def toRichHashSet[A](set: HashSet[A]) = new RichHashSetWrapper(set)
mvn clean testGood. The tests compile and run fine.
[INFO] [scala:compile {execution: default}]
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to target\classes
[INFO] [scala:testCompile {execution: default}]
[INFO] Compiling 1 source file to target\test-classes
[INFO] [surefire:test]
[INFO] Surefire report directory: target\surefire-reports
Running implicits.TestImplicitHashSet
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0 sec
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
I think it's worthwhile to take a moment here to think about what we just saw. the tests are doing the following noteworthy things:
- calling non-existent methods like map and foldLeft on a HashSet
- calling HashSet methods on the collection returned from map
- calling RichIterableOps methods on the collection returned from map
- chaining RichIterableOps methods on a HashSet
plainSet.foldLeft(0)((x,y) => x+y)Here plainSet, the method call receiver, is converted from a HashSet to a RichHashSetWrapper (which contains the called method) via a view conversion.
Let's now say that we want to be able to find the biggest element in a Set. Here's code that does this:
/*Different aggregate operations on collections might depend on different constraints on the collection element type, so I have made max a generic method within an object.
* A module that provides aggregate operations on collections
object AggregateIterableOps {
def max[A <% Ordered[A]](iterable: RichIterableOps[A]): A = {
iterable.reduceLeft((x, y) => if (x > y) x else y)
And here's a test for max:
@TestThe code above features the two remaining things that I want to show in this section:
def testMaxForSet = {
plainSet.add(18); plainSet.add(17); plainSet.add(16)
assertEquals(18, AggregateIterableOps.max(plainSet))
- A conversion to an expected type.
- A view bound (and conversion) based on an implicit parameter. This feature provides information to a generic method about the type that it is operation on, allowing it to do interesting things with this type.
AggregateIterableOps.max(plainSet)max expects a RichIterableOps; it is provided a plain HashSet. This works because RichCollections.toRichHashSet provides a view conversion between the two types.
And here's the code fragement that makes use of a view bound (and conversion) based on an implicit parameter:
def max[A <% Ordered[A]](iterable: RichIterableOps[A]): AUnder the covers, Scala converts the view bound - A <% Ordered[A] - to an implicit parameter:
def max[A](iterable: RichIterableOps[A])(implicit f: A => Ordered[A]): AWithin the body of max, the less-than test:
if (x > y)Gets coverted to :
if (f.apply(x).>(y))And the same caller code that we saw earlier provides the implict paramater required by max. So:
AggregateIterableOps.max(plainSet)Gets converted to:
AggregateIterableOps.max(plainSet)(n => Predef.intWrapper(n))Enriching ArrayLists
The traits and implicits that I wrote have no dependence on HashSets, so I should be able to use the same code to enrich ArrayLists. Let me make sure that this works as expected.
Here are the tests that capture the required behavior:
class TestImplicitArrayList {Here's the target class with the rich methods:
val plainList = new ArrayList[Int]
def setupSet: Unit = {
plainList.add(1); plainList.add(2); plainList.add(3)
def testFoldForSet = {
assertEquals(6, plainList.foldLeft(0)((x,y) => x+y))
def testOriginalCollectionOpForSet = {
assertTrue(plainList.map(e => 2*e).contains(4))
def testChainedRichOpForSet = {
assertTrue(plainList.map(e => 2*e).map(e => 2*e).contains(8))
def testEqualityForSet = {
val expected = new ArrayList[Int]
expected.add(2); expected.add(4); expected.add(6)
assertEquals(expected, plainList.map(e => 2*e))
def testMaxForSet = {
assertEquals(3, AggregateIterableOps.max(plainList))
/**And here's the implicit conversion method:
* Rich wrapper for ArrayLists
class RichArrayListWrapper[A](wrapped: ArrayList[A]) extends RichIterableXforms[A, ArrayList] {
def iterator = wrapped.iterator
def add(a: A) = wrapped.add(a)
def builder[T] = new ArrayList[T] with Builder[ArrayList, T] {def build() = this}
* A module that provides implicits for Rich Collection view conversions
object RichCollections {
// snip
implicit def toRichArrayList[A](list: ArrayList[A]) = new RichArrayListWrapper(list)
I'm all set to run the tests now:
$ mvn clean testGreat. That worked fine.
Running implicits.TestImplicitArrayList
Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.016 sec
Till the next one...
That's it for today. This post introduced implicits, talked about the design space in which they play, and described the primary scenario in which they are meant to be used: view conversions. In the next post, I will talk about the remaining uses of implicits. I will also talk about the safeguards within the Scala language to control the complexity of implicits, the relationship of implicits to Haskell type classes, and techniques for debugging implicits.
Relevant Reads:
Programming in Scala; the chapter on Implicits
The Power of Type-classes with Scala implicit defs
Humane Interfaces
Minimal Interfaces
Program to an interface, not an implementation
The Open-closed principle
Friday, July 25, 2008
A Short Road to TCPoly(morphism) in Scala
In my previous post, I talked about adding rich methods to Java Collections with the help of traits. If you go back and look at that post, you will see that I stayed well away from rich methods of a certain kind: those that return a new Collection when they are applied to an existing Collection. Examples of such methods are: map, flatMap, and filter.
Why did I not talk about methods of this nature? Well - because they would have led me down a short and slippery slope to TCPoly (aka Type Constructor Polymorphism )!
I'm going to navigate down that slope today...
But first, a quick recap. Here's a trait that we saw in the previous post:
Let's say that we now want to add a map method to this trait:
It seems pretty clear that the return type of map should be:
Ideally, I want to capture the logic of the map method right within the RichIterableOps trait. I also want to be able to say that the return type of map is a Container with certain constraints; subclasses should be able to specify the exact type of the Container.
This is precisely what TCPoly allows me to do.
So what exactly is TCPoly? To give a clear definition of that term, I first need to define a couple of other terms:
Without TcPoly, the following is invalid:
TCPoly enables this kind of definition.
So how does that help me with giving RichIterableOps.map an appropriate return type? Here's a first attempt at answering that question:
This version definitely looks easier to read. Also, given that RichIterableOps is designed to be mixed-in with a Collection into a subclass, the use of an abstract type member (which forces the use of a subclass) is not a burden.
The key difference here from the previous code fragment is that Container[_] is now an abstract type member as opposed to a type parameter.
Let me run my tests to make sure that the code does what it is supposed to do:
That looks good.
RichIterableOps should also work with Collections other than Sets. Let me try it with an ArrayList:
That's exactly what we wanted!
The availability of good Data-Structures/Collections is an important aspect of the 'power' of a programming language. As we saw in this post, TCPoly quickly becomes useful when we want to provide powerful Collection operations like map, flatMap, and filter in the context of a statically typed and parametrically polymorphic language like Scala. Without TCPoly, Collections in Scala would have to resort to code duplication and type-casting to support such operations. We saw this problem when I tried to add the map method to existing Java Collections via a trait.
TCPoly provides an elegant solution to this problem. Using TCPoly, we saw how I was able to extend RichIterableOps with a map method that abstracts over its return type. We saw this method working without any problem, and without any code duplication, in the context of two very different types of Java Collections: a HashSet and an ArrayList.
Relevant Reads:
Adriaan Moors's TCPoly Page
Why did I not talk about methods of this nature? Well - because they would have led me down a short and slippery slope to TCPoly (aka Type Constructor Polymorphism )!
I'm going to navigate down that slope today...
But first, a quick recap. Here's a trait that we saw in the previous post:
trait RichIterableOps[A] {The job of this trait is to add rich operations to an Iterable, which is anything that has an iterator method; Java Collection classes are Iterables.
// required method
def iterator: Iterator[A]
def foreach(f: A => Unit) = {
val iter = iterator
while (iter.hasNext) f(iter.next)
def foldLeft[B](seed: B)(f: (B, A) => B) = {
var result = seed
foreach(e => result = f(result, e))
Let's say that we now want to add a map method to this trait:
def map[B](f: A => B): ??? = { /* todo */}Right away, I'm faced with the choice of trying to figure out the return type of the map method. Some requirements for this return type are:
- Methods available on the original Collection type that mixes in this trait should be available via the return type. So, for example, if we mix the trait into a Set, and then call map on this Set, the methods of the Set interface/type should be available to us via the return type of map.
- We should be able to chain rich methods.
- Equality should work in a natural fashion for the enriched Collection.
class TestRichCollections {So, based on the set of requirements before us, what can we say about the return type of RichIterableOps.map?
val richSet = new RichHashSet[Int]
def setupSet: Unit = {
richSet.add(1); richSet.add(2); richSet.add(3)
def testFoldForSet = {
assertEquals(6, richSet.foldLeft(0)((x,y) => x+y))
def testOriginalCollectionOpForSet = {
assertTrue(richSet.map(e => 2*e).contains(4))
def testChainedRichOpForSet = {
assertTrue(richSet.map(e => 2*e).map(e => 2*e).contains(8))
def testEqualityForSet = {
val expected = new HashSet[Int]
expected.add(2); expected.add(4); expected.add(6)
assertEquals(expected, richSet.map(e => 2*e))
It seems pretty clear that the return type of map should be:
- a subtype of RichIterableOps: to allow chaining of rich methods.
- a subtype of the Collection into which RichIterableOps is mixed: to make the methods of that Collection available via the return type.
Ideally, I want to capture the logic of the map method right within the RichIterableOps trait. I also want to be able to say that the return type of map is a Container with certain constraints; subclasses should be able to specify the exact type of the Container.
This is precisely what TCPoly allows me to do.
So what exactly is TCPoly? To give a clear definition of that term, I first need to define a couple of other terms:
Parametric Polymorphism: a mechanism that allows us to abstract over types using type paramaters, so that a single piece of code can work with multiple types. An example of this is:
This mechanism is known by the name Generics in the Java world.
Type Constructor: A type that is used to construct another (proper) type. In the above code snippet, List is a type constructor. It can be used, for example, to construct proper types like List[Int] and List[String]. A type constructor is also a higher-kinded type. Type constructors cannot have instances; only proper types can have instances.
Given these definitions, here, finally, is the definition of TCPoly:class List[A] {}In the above code snippet, class List employs parametric polymorphism to abstract over the type of its members, and makes use of a type parameter: A.
This mechanism is known by the name Generics in the Java world.
Type Constructor: A type that is used to construct another (proper) type. In the above code snippet, List is a type constructor. It can be used, for example, to construct proper types like List[Int] and List[String]. A type constructor is also a higher-kinded type. Type constructors cannot have instances; only proper types can have instances.
Type Constructor Polymorphism: a form of Parametric Polymorphism which allows Type Constructors as type parameters. TCPoly also allows Type Constructors as abstract type members.
As far as the definition of TcPoly is concerned, that is it! But let me dig a little deeper...Without TcPoly, the following is invalid:
class C1[A[_]]Here, I'm trying to say that C1 takes a type parameter that itself needs a type parameter to denote a proper type.
TCPoly enables this kind of definition.
So how does that help me with giving RichIterableOps.map an appropriate return type? Here's a first attempt at answering that question:
import java.util.SetThe important points in the above code fragement are:
import java.util.Collection
import java.util.HashSet
import java.util.LinkedHashSet
import java.util.Iterator
// a builder for containers of type C with element A
trait Builder[C[_], A] {
def add(el: A): Boolean
def build(): C[A]
def using(op: Builder[C, A] => Unit): C[A] = {
op(this); build()
trait RichIterableOps[A, Iterable[_], Container[X] <: RichIterableOps[X, Iterable, Container] with Iterable[X]] {
def iterator: Iterator[A]
def builder[T]: Builder[Container, T]
def foreach(f: A => Unit) = {
val iter = iterator
while (iter.hasNext) f(iter.next)
def foldLeft[B](seed: B)(f: (B, A) => B) = {
var result = seed
foreach(e => result = f(result, e))
def map[B](f: A => B): Container[B] = builder.using { b =>
foreach(e => b.add(f(e)))
class RichHashSet[A] extends HashSet[A] with RichIterableOps[A, HashSet, RichHashSet] {
def builder[T] = new RichHashSet[T] with Builder[RichHashSet, T] {def build() = this}
- RichIterableOps now uses a Type Constructor, Container[_], as a type parameter. Container[_] stands for the return type of the map method. The ability to do this, as enabled by TCPoly, is the key to the whole problem (of returning an appropriate type from map).
- RichIterableOps uses another Type Constructor, Iterable[_], as a type parameter. This type parameter stands for the Collection/Iterable into which RichIterableOps is mixed, and is used to enforce the property that the Container should be a subtype of the mixing-in Collection; this is show next.
- Bounds on the Container capture our requirements for the return type of map:
Container[X] <: RichIterableOps[X, Iterable, Container] with Iterable[X].
- map now returns the Container:
def map[B](f: A => B): Container[B]
- Subclasses specify the precise type of the Container:
class RichHashSet[A] extends HashSet[A] with RichIterableOps[A, HashSet, RichHashSet]
- RichIterableOps makes use of a builder to create the Container; subclasses supply an appropriate builder:
class RichHashSet[A] extends HashSet[A] with RichIterableOps[A, HashSet, RichHashSet] {
def builder[T] = new RichHashSet[T] with Builder[RichHashSet, T] {def build() = this}
trait RichIterableOps[A, Iterable[_]] {
type Container[X] <: RichIterableOps[X, Iterable] with Iterable[X]
def iterator: Iterator[A]
def builder[T]: Builder[Container, T]
def foreach(f: A => Unit) = {
val iter = iterator
while (iter.hasNext) f(iter.next)
def foldLeft[B](seed: B)(f: (B, A) => B) = {
var result = seed
foreach(e => result = f(result, e))
def map[B](f: A => B): Container[B] = builder.using { b =>
foreach(e => b.add(f(e)))
class RichHashSet[A] extends HashSet[A] with RichIterableOps[A, HashSet] {
type Container[X] = RichHashSet[X]
def builder[T] = new RichHashSet[T] with Builder[Container, T] {def build() = this}
This version definitely looks easier to read. Also, given that RichIterableOps is designed to be mixed-in with a Collection into a subclass, the use of an abstract type member (which forces the use of a subclass) is not a burden.
The key difference here from the previous code fragment is that Container[_] is now an abstract type member as opposed to a type parameter.
Let me run my tests to make sure that the code does what it is supposed to do:
That looks good.
RichIterableOps should also work with Collections other than Sets. Let me try it with an ArrayList:
class RichArrayList[A] extends ArrayList[A] with RichIterableOps[A, ArrayList] {The tests for this are:
type Container[X] = RichArrayList[X]
def builder[T] = new RichArrayList[T] with Builder[Container, T] {def build() = this}
class TestRichCollections {Let me run the full set of tests:
// [snip]
val richList = new RichArrayList[Int]
def setupList: Unit = {
richList.add(1); richList.add(2); richList.add(3)
def testFoldForList = {
assertEquals(6, richList.foldLeft(0)((x,y) => x+y))
def testOriginalCollectionOpForList = {
assertTrue(richList.map(e => 2*e).contains(4))
def testChainedRichOpForList = {
assertTrue(richList.map(e => 2*e).map(e => 2*e).contains(8))
def testEqualityForList = {
val expected = new ArrayList[Int]
expected.add(2); expected.add(4); expected.add(6)
assertEquals(expected, richList.map(e => 2*e))
That's exactly what we wanted!
The availability of good Data-Structures/Collections is an important aspect of the 'power' of a programming language. As we saw in this post, TCPoly quickly becomes useful when we want to provide powerful Collection operations like map, flatMap, and filter in the context of a statically typed and parametrically polymorphic language like Scala. Without TCPoly, Collections in Scala would have to resort to code duplication and type-casting to support such operations. We saw this problem when I tried to add the map method to existing Java Collections via a trait.
TCPoly provides an elegant solution to this problem. Using TCPoly, we saw how I was able to extend RichIterableOps with a map method that abstracts over its return type. We saw this method working without any problem, and without any code duplication, in the context of two very different types of Java Collections: a HashSet and an ArrayList.
Relevant Reads:
Adriaan Moors's TCPoly Page
type constructor polymorphism
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Traits in Scala: a Powerful Design Tool
Traits in Scala are an extremely powerful Object Oriented (OO) design tool. They also provide a powerful mechanism for code reuse by making good use of subtyping and delegation.
In terms of raw functionality, traits allow us to:
Type: a set of methods that an object responds to, as defined by an Interface.
Class: a definition of an object's implementation.
Subtype: a relation between Types. A given Type is a subtype of another Type if its Interface is a superset of the Interface of the other type.
Subclass: a relation between Classes. A subclass inherits its Type and its Implementation from its parent class.
Interface Inheritance: enables the creation of a subtype relation between two interfaces.
Class Inheritance: enables the creation of a subclass relation between two classes. Class inheritance is essentially a code reuse mechanism that is defined statically at compile time. Class inheritance also implies subtyping: a class that inherits from another class is a subtype of (the type of) the parent class.
Composition: Another code reuse mechanism, in which new functionality is obtained by assembling or composing objects - at runtime. Composition does not imply subtyping. Composition involves a wrapped object, a wrapper object, and method forwarding.
With that out of the way, let's move on...
Inheritance and composition are the primary mechanisms of code reuse within Object Oriented systems. A lot has been written about the relative merits and demerits of these two approaches, so I will not go into that in a lot of detail here. In general, composition is preferred to inheritance for the following reasons:
Another touted benefit of composition is that it involves black-box reuse with loose coupling and good encapsulation. Inheritance, on the other hand, involves white-box reuse, and consequently breaks encapsulation.
I think this argument is a double edged sword. Inheritance definitely involves stronger coupling than composition for a scenario where a class wants to reuse the code in another (supplier) class; but this comes with potential benefits. To dig deeper into this, let's focus on just the public interface of a supplier class (as opposed to also talking about its protected interface, which is not available via composition). The primary reason for the stronger coupling shown by inheritance is: the potential for self-use of public methods. This happens when a public method (say m1) in the supplier class calls another public method (say m2) in this class. If a subclass overrides m2 (but not m1), then a call to the supplier's m1 method on an instance of the subclass will result in a call to the overridden m2. In other words, a subclass can alter the behavior of a method in its parent supplier class without redefining it. As opposed to this, with composition, there is no way that a wrapper object can interfere with a method call to a wrapped supplier object.
So we see that, for our scenario of interest, inheritance involves stronger coupling than composition because of self-use; but if this self-use is done in a controlled fashion, the stronger coupling afforded by inheritance can actually be useful. We will see an example of this later in the post. In a similar scenario, composition does not work out quite as well; this is because of the Self Problem.
On the other side of the coin, the stronger coupling shown by Inheritance has potential drawbacks. These are documented by Joshua Bloch in Effective Java, 1st ed., Item 14.
Composition, as a mechanism for reuse, has a lot of benefits compared to inheritance. But it also has some drawbacks:
Let's say that we want to enrich Java Sets so that we can do folds and foreachs and all that good functional stuff with them. Here's a trait that defines the methods that we want to provide:
So why did I call the trait RichIterableOps as opposed to RichSetOps? Because it makes no assumptions about the kind of collection it is working with. All it needs to do its work is for the collection to provide an iterator() method. To validate this point, let me try it with a List now:
Once again, let me enumerate the trait features that we just saw:
Let's test something here. I want to see what happens when I add multiple Strings to the Set using the addAll() method. The intersting thing here is that the IgnoreCaseSet trait does not override the addAll() method. Does that mean that we can sneak in behind the covers and add Strings with uppercase letters to the Set - by using the addAll() method? Or is the trait going to be able to hook into this operation?
Now - let's say that we want a String Set that provides rich operations, but also ignores the case of its elements. I should be able to combine the two traits that I just created to get the desired behavior:
Btw, I used a LinkedHashSet above because I needed the fold operation to return deterministic output based on the order in which I put things into the Set.
Again, let me enumerate the trait features that we just saw:
So, do traits have any downsides? A few minor ones:
I have covered a fair bit of ground in this post. We saw that traits are a powerful tool for OO design, and that they serve as a great mechanism for code reuse. We also looked at the three primary usage patterns for traits:
Happy Trait-ing (and Scala-ing)!
Relevant Reads:
Programming in Scala; the chapter on Traits
Traits: Composable Units of Behaviour
Using Prototypical Objects to Implement Shared Behavior in Object Oriented Systems
What is (Not) Delegation
Scala Language Spec; the section on Trait Linearization
In terms of raw functionality, traits allow us to:
- Define types by specifying the signatures of supported methods. This is similar to how interfaces work in Java.
- Provide partial/full implementations that can be mixed-in to classes that use the trait. A class can mix in multiple traits, as opposed to (single) inheritance, where a class can extend from only one superclass.
Type: a set of methods that an object responds to, as defined by an Interface.
Class: a definition of an object's implementation.
Subtype: a relation between Types. A given Type is a subtype of another Type if its Interface is a superset of the Interface of the other type.
Subclass: a relation between Classes. A subclass inherits its Type and its Implementation from its parent class.
Interface Inheritance: enables the creation of a subtype relation between two interfaces.
Class Inheritance: enables the creation of a subclass relation between two classes. Class inheritance is essentially a code reuse mechanism that is defined statically at compile time. Class inheritance also implies subtyping: a class that inherits from another class is a subtype of (the type of) the parent class.
Composition: Another code reuse mechanism, in which new functionality is obtained by assembling or composing objects - at runtime. Composition does not imply subtyping. Composition involves a wrapped object, a wrapper object, and method forwarding.
With that out of the way, let's move on...
Inheritance and composition are the primary mechanisms of code reuse within Object Oriented systems. A lot has been written about the relative merits and demerits of these two approaches, so I will not go into that in a lot of detail here. In general, composition is preferred to inheritance for the following reasons:
- Dynamic reconfigurability: with composition (and its slightly looser variant - aggregation), objects are wired together at runtime to achieve desired functionality. Consequently, these objects can be rewired at runtime to tweak behavior. Inheritance, on the other hand, results in systems with runtime structures that are statically fixed at compile time.
- Ability to compose multiple objects without complication, to provide different facets of an object's behavior. A similar effect can potentially be achieved with multiple-inheritance (MI), but MI has a host of problems associated with it.
- Ability to compose multiple objects in a chain without complication, to refine a particular facet of an object's behavior. An example of this is a chain of Interceptor objects attached to an object. This kind of effect is difficult to achieve via inheritance.
Another touted benefit of composition is that it involves black-box reuse with loose coupling and good encapsulation. Inheritance, on the other hand, involves white-box reuse, and consequently breaks encapsulation.
I think this argument is a double edged sword. Inheritance definitely involves stronger coupling than composition for a scenario where a class wants to reuse the code in another (supplier) class; but this comes with potential benefits. To dig deeper into this, let's focus on just the public interface of a supplier class (as opposed to also talking about its protected interface, which is not available via composition). The primary reason for the stronger coupling shown by inheritance is: the potential for self-use of public methods. This happens when a public method (say m1) in the supplier class calls another public method (say m2) in this class. If a subclass overrides m2 (but not m1), then a call to the supplier's m1 method on an instance of the subclass will result in a call to the overridden m2. In other words, a subclass can alter the behavior of a method in its parent supplier class without redefining it. As opposed to this, with composition, there is no way that a wrapper object can interfere with a method call to a wrapped supplier object.
So we see that, for our scenario of interest, inheritance involves stronger coupling than composition because of self-use; but if this self-use is done in a controlled fashion, the stronger coupling afforded by inheritance can actually be useful. We will see an example of this later in the post. In a similar scenario, composition does not work out quite as well; this is because of the Self Problem.
On the other side of the coin, the stronger coupling shown by Inheritance has potential drawbacks. These are documented by Joshua Bloch in Effective Java, 1st ed., Item 14.
Composition, as a mechanism for reuse, has a lot of benefits compared to inheritance. But it also has some drawbacks:
- Unlike inheritance, it does not play well with polymorphism in situations where it is used to enhance the functionality of an existing class. Consider, for example, a class A, and another class that contains a List of As. If a class B extends A via composition, instances of B cannot be added to the List of As, thus defeating the whole purpose of polymorphism.
This is easily fixed via subtyping, with class B inheriting from an interface that it shares with A (say X), and then using composition to implement X. The List of As now becomes a List of Xs.
But when this fix is applied, there is a lot of grunt work and code noise involved in forwarding all the methods of the implemented interface to the wrapped object.
- Unlike inheritance, it exhibits the Self Problem.
- One element of composition that is compromised by traits is 'dynamic reconfigurability', but this is not a big issue in practice. Most cases of 'dynamic reconfigurability' make use of Dependency Injection to wire in dependencies into an object, and this is normally done only once at program startup. Traits provides similar functionality, albiet at compile time, via required methods or self-types.
- With regard to the Self Problem, traits make use of true delegation; they consequently do not suffer from the Self Problem. The use of delegation introduces tighter coupling than composition for self-use scenarios, with the attendant risks and benefits.
Let's say that we want to enrich Java Sets so that we can do folds and foreachs and all that good functional stuff with them. Here's a trait that defines the methods that we want to provide:
trait RichIterableOps[A] {Let me fire up the Scala Interpreter to play with this. I am going to mix the trait into a HashSet, and then do some operation on the Set; let's see how that plays out:
// required method
def iterator: Iterator[A]
def foreach(f: A => Unit) = {
val iter = iterator
while (iter.hasNext) f(iter.next)
def foldLeft[B](seed: B)(f: (B, A) => B) = {
var result = seed
foreach(e => result = f(result, e))
scala> val richSet = new HashSet[Int] with RichIterableOps[Int]That's exactly what we wanted!
richSet: java.util.HashSet[Int] with traits.RichIterableOps[Int] = []
scala> richSet.add(1); richSet.add(2)
scala> richSet
res0: java.util.HashSet[Int] with traits.RichIterableOps[Int] = [1, 2]
scala> richSet.foldLeft(1)((x,y) => x+y)
res1: Int = 4
So why did I call the trait RichIterableOps as opposed to RichSetOps? Because it makes no assumptions about the kind of collection it is working with. All it needs to do its work is for the collection to provide an iterator() method. To validate this point, let me try it with a List now:
scala> val richList = new ArrayList[Int] with RichIterableOps[Int]Already, we're starting to see the power of traits. Let me pause for a moment here and enumerate the traits features that we've seen so far:
richList: java.util.ArrayList[Int] with traits.RichIterableOps[Int] = []
scala> richList.add(1)
res2: Boolean = true
scala> richList.add(2)
res3: Boolean = true
scala> richList
res4: java.util.ArrayList[Int] with traits.RichIterableOps[Int] = [1, 2]
scala> richList.foldLeft(1)((x,y) => x+y)
res5: Int = 4
- Trait usage Pattern 1: A trait can be used to provide a rich interface for a class. It does this by declaring required methods, which a class that mixes in the trait needs to implement. Based on these required methods, the trait can provide additional (rich) methods to the class. Required methods in a trait lead to low, controlled, and good coupling; more on that later.
- A trait functions as a powerful unit of code reuse: it can be mixed into unrelated classes within an existing class hierarchy to provide extra functionality. This works despite the following potential obstacles:
- The existing classes already extend other classes.
- no source code is available for the (possibly third party) class hierarchy, so making tweaks to the existing classes is not possible.
trait IgnoreCaseSet extends Set[String] {Let me try this out:
abstract override def add(e: String) = {
abstract override def contains(e: Any) = {
abstract override def remove(e: Any) = {
scala> val icSet = new HashSet[String] with IgnoreCaseSetLooks good!
icSet: java.util.HashSet[String] with traits.IgnoreCaseSet = []
scala> icSet.add("Hi There")
res0: Boolean = true
scala> icSet
res1: java.util.HashSet[String] with traits.IgnoreCaseSet = [hi there]
scala> icSet.contains("hi there")
res2: Boolean = true
scala> icSet.remove("hi there")
res3: Boolean = true
scala> icSet
res4: java.util.HashSet[String] with traits.IgnoreCaseSet = []
Once again, let me enumerate the trait features that we just saw:
- Trait usage Pattern 2: A trait can decorate the behavior of an existing class. It does this by:
- extending an Interface that it shares with the class.
- overriding the methods that it wants to decorate with the help of the abstract override modifier.
- delegating to the original methods within its overridden methods using the super keyword.
It is possible for multiple traits to decorate the same method in a class by forming a chain of stackable decorators. In this scenario, the use of super calls within the traits provides control flow along the stack of decorators. The precise rules for the order in which this happens is governed by a process called Linearization. Details about Linearization are available in the Scala Language Spec, if you're interested.
Let's test something here. I want to see what happens when I add multiple Strings to the Set using the addAll() method. The intersting thing here is that the IgnoreCaseSet trait does not override the addAll() method. Does that mean that we can sneak in behind the covers and add Strings with uppercase letters to the Set - by using the addAll() method? Or is the trait going to be able to hook into this operation?
scala> val list = new ArrayList[String]As we can see, the trait was able to hook into the functioning of the addAll() method, to help us do the right thing. This worked out because of two reasons:
list: java.util.ArrayList[String] = []
scala> list.add("Element 1"); list.add("Element 2"); list.add("Element 3")
scala> list
res5: java.util.ArrayList[String] = [Element 1, Element 2, Element 3]
scala> icSet.addAll(list)
res6: Boolean = true
scala> icSet
res7: java.util.HashSet[String] with traits.IgnoreCaseSet = [element 3, element
2, element 1]
- HashSet's addAll() method calls its add() method (which it should, to keep things DRY).
- The self variable for the call chain is such that HashSet.addAll()'s call to add() gets routed to the mixed in Trait. This feature distinguishes the delegation used by Traits from the simpler notion of composition; it also overcomes the Self Problem.
Now - let's say that we want a String Set that provides rich operations, but also ignores the case of its elements. I should be able to combine the two traits that I just created to get the desired behavior:
scala> val icRichSet = new LinkedHashSet[String] with IgnoreCaseSet with RichIterableOps[String]Looks good.
icRichSet: java.util.LinkedHashSet[String] with traits.IgnoreCaseSet with traits.RichIterableOps[String] = []
scala> icRichSet.add("Hi There"); icRichSet.add("My Friends")
scala> icRichSet
res8: java.util.LinkedHashSet[String] with traits.IgnoreCaseSet with traits.RichIterableOps[String] = [hi there, my friends]
scala> icRichSet.foldLeft("Namaskar, and")((x,y) => x + " " + y)
res9: java.lang.String = Namaskar, and hi there my friends
Btw, I used a LinkedHashSet above because I needed the fold operation to return deterministic output based on the order in which I put things into the Set.
Again, let me enumerate the trait features that we just saw:
- Trait usage Pattern 3: Multiple traits can be mixed into a class to provide different facets of a class's behavior. This is an extremely powerful capability, because it works at the level of two of the most fundamental forces in OO design: cohesion and coupling:
- Cohesion: traits encourage small, cohesive chunks of code that focus on doing one thing well. These chunks can then be mixed together into a class to provide the class's functionality.
- Coupling: when a trait is mixed into a class, there is very little coupling between it and the class. In general, three different kinds of coupling are possible when a class mixes in a trait:
- No coupling: the trait just mixes in and does its thing.
- Coupling based on required methods: in this case, the class mixing in a trait just needs to implement methods that match the required methods of the trait.
- Coupling based on overridden methods in a shared Interface: in this case, the coupling is based on an interface. This is the highest degree of coupling that we encounter when a trait is mixed into a class. But even this is good coupling, because it is based on well-defined interfaces.
So, do traits have any downsides? A few minor ones:
- Traits do not have constructor parameters (but this should not be an issue in practice).
- Traits impose a slight performance overhead (but this is unlikely to impact the overall performance of your program).
- Traits introduce compilation fragility for classes that mix them in. If a trait changes, a class that mixes it in has to be recompiled.
I have covered a fair bit of ground in this post. We saw that traits are a powerful tool for OO design, and that they serve as a great mechanism for code reuse. We also looked at the three primary usage patterns for traits:
- To provide rich interfaces for classes that mix them in.
- To decorate the behavior of existing classes in a stackable manner.
- To provide different facets of a class's behavior.
- Eliminate the grunt work and code noise involved in doing manual composition with interface inheritance/subtyping.
- Overcome the Self Problem.
- Help in achieving high cohesion and low coupling.
Happy Trait-ing (and Scala-ing)!
Relevant Reads:
Programming in Scala; the chapter on Traits
Traits: Composable Units of Behaviour
Using Prototypical Objects to Implement Shared Behavior in Object Oriented Systems
What is (Not) Delegation
Scala Language Spec; the section on Trait Linearization
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Parallel Folds: Sample Code
To enable easy access to the sample source code for my previous blog post on Clustered Scala Actors, I have set up a GitHub project at: http://github.com/litan/clustered-fold/tree/master
If you don't want to mess with Git, the sample files can be downloaded (as a gzipped tarball) from: http://github.com/litan/clustered-fold/tarball/master
I have been playing with this code using Java 1.6.0_05, Scala 2.7.1, and Terracotta 2.6.1
After downloading and extracting the files, and navigating to the root of extracted directory tree, here's what you need to do to run the sample:
Console 0
If you don't want to mess with Git, the sample files can be downloaded (as a gzipped tarball) from: http://github.com/litan/clustered-fold/tarball/master
I have been playing with this code using Java 1.6.0_05, Scala 2.7.1, and Terracotta 2.6.1
After downloading and extracting the files, and navigating to the root of extracted directory tree, here's what you need to do to run the sample:
Console 0
Run Terracotta ServerConsole 1:
# modify run.sh and run-cclient.sh: set M2_REPO and SCALA_HOME appropriatelyConsole 2:
mvn compile
cd target/classes
run.sh -c
cd target/classesConsole 3:
run.sh -c
cd target/classes
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Clustered Scala Actors
I have recently been looking at the Terracotta Integration Module (TIM) for Scala actors that was announced earlier this year by Jonas Boner.
As I started playing with the TIM, I decided that I wanted to do the following:
As a quick aside: a Fold operation combines the elements of a sequence and a seed using a binary operator.
For associative binary operators, there is no ambiguity about the result. But for operators that are not associative, the order in which the elements are combined makes a difference.
Also, for non-commutative operators, if the seed value is not the identity element of the operation, it makes a difference whether the seed is combined at the end or the beginning of the sequence. To account for these factors, programming languages provide left-fold and right-fold operations.
All of this raises issues about the parallelizability of the Fold operation. For the sake of the current discussion, I will assume that we are dealing with Fold operators that are commutative and associative.
Here's a quick example of a (sequential) fold:
With a parallel-Fold, the general idea is that the different elements of a sequence are combined in parallel.
So I went ahead and coded a class called ParallelFolder that implements parallel-Folds. This class uses a Master actor and a couple of Worker actors to do parallel-Fold operations. Here's how that works:
Update: instructions for downloading and running the sample code for this Post are available at:
Here's the definition of the messages that flow through the system:
Everything looks hunky-dory, so let me ramp it up and try to run the same program within a Terracotta cluster. Here's the plan of action for this scenario:
Before going any further, let me show you the Cluster Client:
Everything looks set, so let me go ahead and run the Terracotta Server:
Next, I'll run the two ParallelFolder instances
It seems to work!
I have highlighted the log trace for task#1 in the console output above; this shows how the Master and the Workers handle the task.
Let me take a moment to talk about exactly what's going on here. In the above scenario, Terracotta has clustered the Master and the two Workers. What exactly does that mean?
For any actor, clustering via Terracotta means the following:
So - can we conclude that the Scala TIM auto-magically clusters an actors based program and gives us all the great sounding features described above. Well - not quite. The following concessions have to be made to make standalone code cluster-friendly (in the listings above, such sections of code are marked with '// cluster-support'):
That's not too bad, is it?
I should mention that the current Scala TIM implementation uses named locks to protect the internal state of actors. This is a potential bottleneck, because it introduces lock contention during mailbox access by even unrelated actors. But, based on my currently rather limited knowledge of Terracotta, I think this can be improved.
In a future post, I'll talk more about the features and limitations discussed above. Till then, have fun.
As I started playing with the TIM, I decided that I wanted to do the following:
- Write a simple but hopefully interesting actors based program
- Try to cluster it using the Scala TIM
- Identify the lessons learned on the way
As a quick aside: a Fold operation combines the elements of a sequence and a seed using a binary operator.
For associative binary operators, there is no ambiguity about the result. But for operators that are not associative, the order in which the elements are combined makes a difference.
Also, for non-commutative operators, if the seed value is not the identity element of the operation, it makes a difference whether the seed is combined at the end or the beginning of the sequence. To account for these factors, programming languages provide left-fold and right-fold operations.
All of this raises issues about the parallelizability of the Fold operation. For the sake of the current discussion, I will assume that we are dealing with Fold operators that are commutative and associative.
Here's a quick example of a (sequential) fold:
scala>val list = List(1,2,3)In this example, the different elements of the sequence are combined from left to right using the plus operator.
list: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> list.foldLeft(0)((x, y) => x+y)
res5: Int = 6
With a parallel-Fold, the general idea is that the different elements of a sequence are combined in parallel.
So I went ahead and coded a class called ParallelFolder that implements parallel-Folds. This class uses a Master actor and a couple of Worker actors to do parallel-Fold operations. Here's how that works:
- The Master receives a fold request containing a data sequence and a fold operator
- The Master splits the provided data and farms the work out to the Workers
- The Workers apply the fold operator to the provided data, and send the results back to the Master
- The Master aggregates the results from the Workers by applying the provided fold operator, and then sends the final result back to the Requester
Update: instructions for downloading and running the sample code for this Post are available at:
Here's the definition of the messages that flow through the system:
case class ParallelFoldReq[A](data: Seq[A], folder: (A, A) => A, seed: A, requester: AnyRef)Here's the Master:
case class ParallelFoldWorkReq[A](taskId: Int, data: Iterable[A], folder: (A, A) => A, fromMaster: Actor)
case class ParallelFoldWorkResult[A](taskId: Int, result: A, folder: (A, A) => A, fromWorker: Actor)
case class Tick(s: String) // cluster-support
case class Maim(s: String)
case object Quit
class Master extends Actor {And here's the code for the two Workers:
val (worker1, worker2, numWorkers) = (new Worker, new Worker, 2)
val taskStatus = new HashMap[Int, (Any, Int, AnyRef)]
var nextTaskId = 0
def go = {
worker1.go; worker2.go
def act = {
init // cluster-support
log.debug("Scheduling ticks for Master")
ActorPing.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, Tick("master"), 0L, 5000L) // cluster-support
loop {
react {
case ParallelFoldReq(data, folder, seed, requester) =>
log.info("Master Received Request. Current Task Id: {}", nextTaskId)
val partitions = partition(data)
worker1 ! ParallelFoldWorkReq(nextTaskId, partitions(0), folder, self)
worker2 ! ParallelFoldWorkReq(nextTaskId, partitions(1), folder, self)
taskStatus += nextTaskId -> (seed, 0, requester)
nextTaskId += 1
case ParallelFoldWorkResult(taskId, wresult, folder, worker) =>
log.info("Master received result: {} - from worker {}. Task Id: " + taskId, wresult, worker)
var result = taskStatus(taskId)._1
result = folder(result, wresult)
var resultsReceived = taskStatus(taskId)._2
resultsReceived += 1
log.info("Results received: {}. Current Taskk Id: {}", resultsReceived, taskId)
if (resultsReceived == numWorkers) {
sendResultToRequester(taskId, result, taskStatus(taskId)._3)
taskStatus -= taskId
else {
taskStatus.update(taskId, (result, resultsReceived, taskStatus(taskId)._3))
log.info("Waiting for more results from worker. Current Taskk Id: {}", taskId)
case Maim(x) =>
log.info("Master asked to Cripple itself")
worker2 ! Quit
case Tick(x) =>
log.debug("Master got a Tick")
object WorkerIdGenerator {And finally, here's the Application object that creates and runs the Actors:
var nid = 0
def nextId = {nid += 1; nid}
class Worker extends Actor {
val id = WorkerIdGenerator.nextId
log.debug("Worker created with Id: {}", id)
def go = start
def act = {
init // cluster-support
log.debug("Scheduling ticks for Worker: {}", id)
ActorPing.scheduleAtFixedRate(this, Tick("worker"), 0L, 5000L) // cluster-support
loop {
react {
case ParallelFoldWorkReq(taskId, data, folder, master) =>
log.info("Worker {} received request. Current Task Id: {}", id, taskId)
Thread.sleep(1000 * 1)
val result = data.reduceLeft(folder)
master ! ParallelFoldWorkResult(taskId, result, folder, self)
case Quit =>
log.info("Worker asked to Quit: {}", id)
throw new RuntimeException("Bye from: " + this)
case Tick(x) =>
log.debug("Worker {} got a Tick", id)
object ParallelFolder extends util.Logged {It's time for some action. Let me go ahead and run the Parallel Folder:
log.info("Parallel Folder Starting...")
val master = new Master
log.info("Parallel Folder ready to go.")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
if (args.size == 0 || !args(0).trim.equals("-c")) {
// not running in cluster. Initiate some work right here
for (i <- 1 to 1) {
val work = List(1,2,3,4,5,6)
log.info("Sending sequence to master for Parallel Fold: {}", work)
master ! ParallelFoldReq(work, (x:Int ,y:Int) => x+y, 0, "host://protocol/requesterLocation")
def fold[A](data: Seq[A], folder: (A, A) => A, x: A): A = {
master ! ParallelFoldReq(data, folder, x, self)
val ret = self.receive({case x => x})
$ pwdAs you can see, ParallelFolder gets the Master going when it starts up. Then, the main method of ParallelFolder sends in a List to the Master for Folding. The Master does its thing with the help of the Workers, and reports the result.
$ cat run-plain.sh
M2_REPO="C:/Documents and Settings/lpant/.m2/repository"
java -cp ".;C:\home\lalitp\tools\scala-2.7.1.final\lib\scala-library.jar;$M2_REP
.9/logback-core-0.9.9.jar" sample.ParallelFolder $*
$ run-plain.sh
12:05:38.127 [main] INFO sample.ParallelFolder$ - Parallel Folder Starting...
12:05:38.221 [main] INFO sample.ParallelFolder$ - Parallel Folder ready to go.
12:05:38.252 [main] INFO sample.ParallelFolder$ - Sending sequence to master for Pa
rallel Fold: List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
12:05:38.252 [Thread-4] INFO sample.Master - Master Received Request. Current Task
Id: 0
12:05:38.252 [Thread-3] INFO sample.Worker - Worker 1 received request. Current Tas
k Id: 0
12:05:38.252 [Thread-1] INFO sample.Worker - Worker 2 received request. Current Tas
k Id: 0
12:05:39.252 [Thread-3] INFO sample.Master - Master received result: 6 - from worke
r sample.Worker@8b819f. Task Id: 0
12:05:39.252 [Thread-3] INFO sample.Master - Results received: 1. Current Taskk Id:
12:05:39.252 [Thread-3] INFO sample.Master - Waiting for more results from worker.
Current Taskk Id: 0
12:05:39.252 [Thread-3] INFO sample.Master - Master received result: 15 - from work
er sample.Worker@120a47e. Task Id: 0
12:05:39.252 [Thread-3] INFO sample.Master - Results received: 2. Current Taskk Id:
12:05:39.252 [Thread-3] INFO sample.Master - Result available for Requester: host:/
/protocol/requesterLocation. Current Taskk Id: 0. The Result is: 21
Everything looks hunky-dory, so let me ramp it up and try to run the same program within a Terracotta cluster. Here's the plan of action for this scenario:
- Start the Terracotta Server
- Start an instance of ParallelFolder in Console#1
- Start another instance of ParallelFolder in Console#2. These two instances are clustered via Terracotta
- Start a client that feeds in work into the cluster
- See what happens
Before going any further, let me show you the Cluster Client:
object ClusterClient extends util.Logged {And here's the Scala TIM actor configuration file:
def main(args : Array[String]) : Unit = {
log.info("Attaching to WorkManager")
val master = new Master
for (i <- 1 to 10) {
val work = List(1,2,3,4,5,6)
log.info("Sending sequence to master for Parallel Fold: {}", work)
master ! ParallelFoldReq(work, (x:Int ,y:Int) => x+y, 0, "host://protocol/requesterLocation")
// Kill a worker
// log.info("Crippling the Master")
// master ! Maim("cripple")
$ cat clustered-scala-actors.confThe tc-config.xml file is pretty standard (except for the transient-fields section; but more on that later), so I will not show it here. The file is available with the sample code for this Post.
sample.Master: class
sample.Worker: custom
Everything looks set, so let me go ahead and run the Terracotta Server:
$ start-tc-server.bat
2008-07-01 13:36:49,141 INFO - Terracotta Server has started up as ACTIVE node o
n successfully, and is now ready for work.
Next, I'll run the two ParallelFolder instances
Console#1 :
$ cat run.sh
M2_REPO="C:/Documents and Settings/lpant/.m2/repository"
dso-java.bat -cp ".;C:\home\lalitp\tools\scala-2.7.1.final\lib\scala-library.jar
core/0.9.9/logback-core-0.9.9.jar" sample.ParallelFolder $*
$ run.sh -c
Parsing scala actors config file: clustered-scala-actors.conf
Configuring clustering for Scala Actor [sample.Master] with scope [class]
Configuring clustering for Scala Actor [sample.Worker] with scope [custom]
13:50:40.493 [main] INFO sample.ParallelFolder$ - Parallel Folder Starting...
13:50:41.258 [main] INFO sample.ParallelFolder$ - Parallel Folder ready to go.
Console#2And finally, the moment of truth! Let me run the Cluster Client:
$ run.sh -c
Parsing scala actors config file: clustered-scala-actors.conf
Configuring clustering for Scala Actor [sample.Master] with scope [class]
Configuring clustering for Scala Actor [sample.Worker] with scope [custom]
13:52:33.988 [main] INFO sample.ParallelFolder$ - Parallel Folder Starting...
13:52:34.800 [main] INFO sample.ParallelFolder$ - Parallel Folder ready to go.
Console#3:Here's the output that shows up on Console#1 and Console#2
$ cat run-cclient.sh
M2_REPO="C:/Documents and Settings/lpant/.m2/repository"
dso-java.bat -cp ".;C:\home\lalitp\tools\scala-2.7.1.final\lib\scala-library.jar
core/0.9.9/logback-core-0.9.9.jar" sample.ClusterClient
$ run-cclient.sh
Parsing scala actors config file: clustered-scala-actors.conf
Configuring clustering for Scala Actor [sample.Master] with scope [class]
Configuring clustering for Scala Actor [sample.Worker] with scope [custom]
14:03:29.159 [main] INFO sample.ClusterClient$ - Sending sequence to master for Par
allel Fold: List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
14:03:29.706 [main] INFO sample.ClusterClient$ - Sending sequence to master for Par
allel Fold: List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
14:03:29.706 [main] INFO sample.ClusterClient$ - Sending sequence to master for Par
allel Fold: List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
14:03:35.687 [Thread-14] INFO sample.Master - Master received result: 6 - from work
er sample.Worker@86554. Task Id: 0
14:03:35.718 [Thread-14] INFO sample.Master - Results received: 1. Current Taskk Id
: 0
14:03:35.718 [Thread-14] INFO sample.Master - Waiting for more results from worker.
Current Taskk Id: 0
14:03:37.811 [Thread-14] INFO sample.Master - Master received result: 15 - from wor
ker sample.Worker@1e06fc2. Task Id: 0
14:03:37.811 [Thread-14] INFO sample.Master - Results received: 2. Current Taskk Id
: 0
14:03:37.811 [Thread-14] INFO sample.Master - Result available for Requester: host:
//protocol/requesterLocation. Current Taskk Id: 0. The Result is: 21
14:03:38.920 [Thread-15] INFO sample.Master - Master received result: 6 - from work
er sample.Worker@86554. Task Id: 1
14:03:38.920 [Thread-15] INFO sample.Master - Results received: 2. Current Taskk Id
: 1
14:03:38.920 [Thread-15] INFO sample.Master - Result available for Requester: host:
//protocol/requesterLocation. Current Taskk Id: 1. The Result is: 21
14:03:39.045 [Thread-14] INFO sample.Master - Master received result: 6 - from work
er sample.Worker@86554. Task Id: 2
14:03:39.045 [Thread-14] INFO sample.Master - Results received: 2. Current Taskk Id
: 2
14:03:39.045 [Thread-14] INFO sample.Master - Result available for Requester: host:
//protocol/requesterLocation. Current Taskk Id: 2. The Result is: 21
14:03:32.361 [Thread-16] INFO sample.Master - Master Received Request. Current Task
Id: 0
14:03:32.454 [Thread-12] INFO sample.Worker - Worker 1 received request. Current Ta
sk Id: 0
14:03:33.485 [Thread-13] INFO sample.Worker - Worker 2 received request. Current Ta
sk Id: 0
14:03:34.500 [Thread-16] INFO sample.Master - Master Received Request. Current Task
Id: 1
14:03:34.610 [Thread-13] INFO sample.Worker - Worker 2 received request. Current Ta
sk Id: 1
14:03:35.734 [Thread-16] INFO sample.Master - Master Received Request. Current Task
Id: 2
14:03:35.750 [Thread-12] INFO sample.Worker - Worker 1 received request. Current Ta
sk Id: 1
14:03:36.796 [Thread-13] INFO sample.Worker - Worker 2 received request. Current Ta
sk Id: 2
14:03:37.827 [Thread-12] INFO sample.Worker - Worker 1 received request. Current Ta
sk Id: 2
14:03:38.873 [Thread-16] INFO sample.Master - Master received result: 15 - from wor
ker sample.Worker@a86dfb. Task Id: 1
14:03:38.873 [Thread-16] INFO sample.Master - Results received: 1. Current Taskk Id
: 1
14:03:38.873 [Thread-16] INFO sample.Master - Waiting for more results from worker.
Current Taskk Id: 1
14:03:39.045 [Thread-13] INFO sample.Master - Master received result: 15 - from wor
ker sample.Worker@a86dfb. Task Id: 2
14:03:39.045 [Thread-13] INFO sample.Master - Results received: 1. Current Taskk Id
: 2
14:03:39.045 [Thread-13] INFO sample.Master - Waiting for more results from worker.
Current Taskk Id: 2
It seems to work!
I have highlighted the log trace for task#1 in the console output above; this shows how the Master and the Workers handle the task.
Let me take a moment to talk about exactly what's going on here. In the above scenario, Terracotta has clustered the Master and the two Workers. What exactly does that mean?
For any actor, clustering via Terracotta means the following:
- The actor's mailbox is clustered and lives within the Terracotta NAM (Network Attached Memory)
- Multiple copies of the actor run within the cluster, one per JVM/node
- All the different copies of the actor are waiting to pull messages out of the clustered mailbox
- An entity within any node in the cluster can send a message to the actor
- This message shows up in the clustered mailbox of the actor
- Only one copy of the actor gets the message. At this point, the message disappears from the mailbox. This provides for load balancing and fault tolerence:
- load balancing: if a copy of the actor is busy in one VM, a different copy in another VM picks up the message
- fault tolerance: if a copy of the actor dies in one VM, the remaining copies are still around, and a different copy in another VM picks up the message
So - can we conclude that the Scala TIM auto-magically clusters an actors based program and gives us all the great sounding features described above. Well - not quite. The following concessions have to be made to make standalone code cluster-friendly (in the listings above, such sections of code are marked with '// cluster-support'):
- The waitingFor field within the Actor trait has to be marked transient for Terracotta (within tc-config.xml). Consequently, this field has to be inited outside of a constructor for copies that attach to Terracotta
- Every clustered actor needs to schedule a heartbeat to pump messages from the clustered mailbox (but this is not as messed-up as it might first sound)
That's not too bad, is it?
I should mention that the current Scala TIM implementation uses named locks to protect the internal state of actors. This is a potential bottleneck, because it introduces lock contention during mailbox access by even unrelated actors. But, based on my currently rather limited knowledge of Terracotta, I think this can be improved.
In a future post, I'll talk more about the features and limitations discussed above. Till then, have fun.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Object state, identity, immutability, and values
A recent discussion on the Scala mailing list got me thinking about the concepts of Object state, identity, and immutability.
Let's start by trying to define Object State. There seem to be two different ways of looking at state:
Let's move on to look at the concepts of identity and mutability. First of all, what is object identity? And why do we need it in software systems?
A good way to approach this question is to distinguish between two kinds of types: Value types and Reference types.
Note - Think of a type as a class/set of objects
Note - Value types are different from values, which are things that can be stored in variables, passed as arguments to methods, returned by methods, etc.
As a first approximation, Value types represent things that don't change (i.e. are immutable). Examples of Value types are things like dates, numbers, etc.
As opposed to this, Reference types represent things that can change (i.e. are mutable). And because they can change, we need to be able to share them. To see why this follows, think, for example, about two different cars that have the same (mutable) owner. If we're modeling this in an OO software system, both the cars need to refer to the same owner object. If they don't, we run into the big problem that if some attribute of the owner changes (the owner is mutable, after all), we need to hunt down all things that refer to this owner and update them.
So - mutability gives rise to the concept of a sharable reference to an object (of a Reference type). And the concept of a reference leads to the notion of identity. For something to be reference-able, that thing needs to have an identity. This identity is independent of the state of the object (as represented by the data in its fields).
Note - if you think of state from an FP perspective, identity is deeply tied to state, because state implies mutability, and mutability gives rise to the need for identity (to enable referencing/sharing).
So - we see that the concept of identity arises when we start dealing with Reference types. Conversely, identity has no meaning for value types.
Within languages that provide first-class support for value types, assignment for value types is implemented via field-copying, and equality is defined based on equivalence (i.e. field comparison).
Within languages that do not provide first-class support for value types, immutability can be used to provide value semantics. Once you have fields that cannot change, reference copying gives you the same results as field/value copying. Now, it might not be possible to redefine equality (==) so that it is based on equivalence (i.e. field comparison), but you can use equivalence by convention to compare value objects.
Note - in Java, equivalence comparison is provided by the equals() method.
Here are some good relevant links (pointed out by folks on Scala mailing list):
Raoul Duke provided a link to this excellent article about Value types:
Matt Hellige provided some excellent links:
Let's start by trying to define Object State. There seem to be two different ways of looking at state:
- From an Object Oriented (OO) perspective: the state of an object is defined by the data it contains within its fields. This state helps to distinguish it from other instances of its class (with possibly different data in their fields).
- From a Functional Programming (FP) perspective: an object has state if its behavior (as defined by its methods) may observably change over the course of time. In other words, the output of (the methods of) a stateful object is determined not only by the input received, but also by some modifiable internal state.
Let's move on to look at the concepts of identity and mutability. First of all, what is object identity? And why do we need it in software systems?
A good way to approach this question is to distinguish between two kinds of types: Value types and Reference types.
Note - Think of a type as a class/set of objects
Note - Value types are different from values, which are things that can be stored in variables, passed as arguments to methods, returned by methods, etc.
As a first approximation, Value types represent things that don't change (i.e. are immutable). Examples of Value types are things like dates, numbers, etc.
As opposed to this, Reference types represent things that can change (i.e. are mutable). And because they can change, we need to be able to share them. To see why this follows, think, for example, about two different cars that have the same (mutable) owner. If we're modeling this in an OO software system, both the cars need to refer to the same owner object. If they don't, we run into the big problem that if some attribute of the owner changes (the owner is mutable, after all), we need to hunt down all things that refer to this owner and update them.
So - mutability gives rise to the concept of a sharable reference to an object (of a Reference type). And the concept of a reference leads to the notion of identity. For something to be reference-able, that thing needs to have an identity. This identity is independent of the state of the object (as represented by the data in its fields).
Note - if you think of state from an FP perspective, identity is deeply tied to state, because state implies mutability, and mutability gives rise to the need for identity (to enable referencing/sharing).
So - we see that the concept of identity arises when we start dealing with Reference types. Conversely, identity has no meaning for value types.
Within languages that provide first-class support for value types, assignment for value types is implemented via field-copying, and equality is defined based on equivalence (i.e. field comparison).
Within languages that do not provide first-class support for value types, immutability can be used to provide value semantics. Once you have fields that cannot change, reference copying gives you the same results as field/value copying. Now, it might not be possible to redefine equality (==) so that it is based on equivalence (i.e. field comparison), but you can use equivalence by convention to compare value objects.
Note - in Java, equivalence comparison is provided by the equals() method.
Here are some good relevant links (pointed out by folks on Scala mailing list):
Raoul Duke provided a link to this excellent article about Value types:
Matt Hellige provided some excellent links:
value types
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